How To Co-parent With A Difficult Ex
As much as we love our kids, parenting is not for the faint of heart! Even on the best days, our children can push us to the limits emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But we are willing to do it, of course, because we envision a day they will grow up and thrive as adults.
However, for many mamas, the challenge is not simply the trying task of raising children alone; throw into the mix the painful reality of co-parenting with a difficult ex. Talking Parents recently published a helpful article on this very issue, with some key identifiers of narcissistic traits and excellent strategies for navigating it. We highly recommend it:
While we agree with all the strategies in the article for dealing with this situation, our favorite (no surprise!) is “Build a village: Co-parenting with a narcissist takes a lot of support.” This is exactly what Not Alone is here for! We firmly believe in the principle that we are all wired for community. Life is hard, especially alone; but life lived together is better. Not Alone’s mission is to surround single mamas with community so the difficult roads of life don’t have to be traveled alone.
To the single mama so very weakened and beat down by her ex, breathe in this encouragement:
You are not who your ex says you are. Perhaps you have been blamed for your children’s problems, gaslit for “fires” you didn’t start, or worn down by insults and degrading comments heaped upon you. GOD SEES YOU. In fact, the Lord’s view of you is totally the opposite. Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT) says, “… He will take delight in you with gladness. With this love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
You are worthy of love, support and good things in life. 1 John 3:1 (TPT) says, “Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that He has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children.” You are lavishly loved by our Heavenly Father, and not only that, “every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect.” (James 1:17 TPT). Our worth comes from God and cannot be taken away by how anyone else speaks of us or treats us.
If Not Alone can help you with additional encouragement, please let us know how we can support you.