Church Resource Guide






There are many ways a church can tangibly support single moms: service projects, meals, babysitting, car care, financial support, and more. Through community, we can know and respond to real needs and see the significant impact of support.

The research confirms what we know from scripture, community is vital to hope and healing. At the core of supporting single moms is creating strong grace-filled, gospel-centered communities where single moms can feel seen and loved.

We partner with churches and provide the necessary training and support to create life-giving communities.

Sadly, abuse is rampant in our communities. Behind closed doors, many women are victims of emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical abuse.

We regularly guide and support churches and women seeking safe, legal options to protect themselves and their children.


Printable Brochure

Summary of
Not Alone vision and resources for churches

How to launch a community for single moms at your church

Church Guide

Instigate Magazine on
ensuring a single mom feels seen, loved, & supported

Published Article

Theory of Change

Understand the problem, the solution, and the better tomorrow we strive toward


  • “I love this ministry because when I get asked by a single mom if we can help, I have an amazing community to point her towards.” — Josh Czufin, Life Groups Local Missions Pastor Life.Church (Colorado Springs)

    When a single mom asks your church for support, simply point her toward the Not Alone community to get connected.

  • Rule number one: believe and support her.

    If she appears to be in current physical danger, call 911.

    If you suspect an abusive relationship, contact us at Not Alone. We have a trained expert who regularly supports and provides counsel to women facing crisis, abuse and navigating the judicial system

  • Every group is unique and takes on the attributes of the leader and the supporting church. However, most groups have three core elements: food, study/discussion, and childcare.

    Some groups meet in homes; some meet in churches, and some even meet in a McDonald’s while the kids play! There is a lot of flexibility.

    Most of our communities include some element of Bible study or discussion. However, it’s usually a good idea to make these groups "low barrier to entry" so that women from different places of faith and experience can participate and feel welcome.

    Not Alone then supports the group with targeted, tangible support. We provide resources to help the mom and her children find hope, healing, and wholeness.

    For more information, please read the Church Guide.

  • The key here is when not if. Supporting single moms always comes with complicated situations, from custody issues to post-separation abuse and shame, to name a few. The big questions are when a mom will be safe enough to share her mess and when her mess will flare!

    Good news: you don’t need all the answers to legal, domestic, financial, custody, emotional, and other issues that come up. In fact, you will rarely have solutions. You are simply asked to care and validate her reality. Get comfortable sitting in the mess with her while continually pointing her back to Jesus.

    Always reach out to Not Alone for a list of resources we may offer to help.

  • 1) Pray. Is God calling you to support the single moms in your church and community intentionally?

    2) Connect with Not Alone. We’re happy to share our resources and provide training for you!

    3) Create a leadership team. With only one person, the ministry's impact will rise/fall on that leader. A leadership team will be much stronger and can often provide different gifts for the ministry's needs.

    4.) Create a small group. Announce it and welcome single moms!

    5.) Ensure you have childcare. You cannot offer an event for single moms without childcare, or their greatest need will be ignored. To learn more about our childcare suggestions, see our church guide.

  • Beyond the Biblical commands and God’s clear heart for the orphan and the widow, single moms make up a large part of our communities but often feel significantly underserved by the church. We know churches want to serve single moms—they frequently don’t know how.

    Research shows that single moms and their children experience significantly lower life outcomes than their married, two-parent counterparts. But there is hope! Also evident in research is that social support (grace-filled, gospel-oriented communities that provide some tangible support) is the #1 way to impact a single mom and her children positively.

  • We are deeply grateful for the committed fathers who are the primary caregivers for their children. They make up about 1.5% of families in the United States.

    Not Alone’s calling is to the more than 16% of families in the US that are led by single moms. We applaud and support those who have a calling to walk alongside and encourage single dads.

  • For our moms? Zero!

    A thriving community costs about $7,500.00 per year to support. This includes two small group gatherings per month (with food and child care), financial grants to moms (usually 10% of moms need this), counseling support, birthday and Christmas gifts, and a more significant event or two each year.

    A strong group has between 6 and 10 moms, and we tend to average about 2 children per mom. Averaged out, the ministry costs about $250-$300 per year per participant. It’s a small investment for such large outcomes!


Life as a Single Mom

We are a resource for your Kingdom mission.
How can we serve you and the single moms in your church?


Not Alone Ministries

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